If you get regular or repeat medicines, you might be suitable for eRD. Using eRD, you can:
- save time by avoiding unnecessary trips or calls to your GP every time you need to order a repeat prescription
- order or cancel your repeat prescriptions online (if your GP practice offers this service)
- pick up your repeat prescriptions directly from your pharmacy without having to visit your GP
- spend less time waiting for your prescription in the pharmacy or GP practice, which means you can stay at home and avoid face-to-face contact when you need your repeat prescription during the coronavirus pandemic
- save paper – you won’t need a paper prescription to collect your medicine from the pharmacy
Due to the current circumstances and pressures on the NHS, NHS England has advised to change the way patients withcurrently order your regular medication. Your GP or healthcare practitioner will issue a repeat dispensing prescription which will have a number of prescription issues on it e.g. a minimum of 3 months of medication to be collected monthly. This “batch” of prescriptions will be sent electronically to your existing nominated pharmacy. This means that you simply collect your regular medication from your usual pharmacy without having to order it each month.
If you wish to change your pharmacy later; you can ask the new pharmacy to set your nomination with them. Your regular medication will then be available at that pharmacy.
When your pharmacy supplies your last electronic repeat prescription, they will inform you. You will then have to contact your GP practice to ask for another set of electronic repeat prescriptions. You may need to be seen for a review before another batch of electronic repeat dispensing prescription is authorised.
It is important to let your pharmacist know if you are taking any other medicines or if your medical condition changes. If you have any questions about your medicines, ask at the pharmacy, they will be happy to help you.
If you consent to this, you do not need to do anything as the practice has set this up for you using your current preferred pharmacy, however, if you feel this is not suitable or you have any concerns or questions regarding this change please contact the surgery as soon as possible.
For further information and a step-by-step guide as to how this works please refer below.
Should you have any questions or concerns please do contact your surgery.